Live a three-dimensional life.”
— Wendell Barry

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Through all facets of my work, I aspire to increase our capacity to connect, reflect, and create in order to forge a more curious, compassionate and creative world. 

I was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Thanks to my parents, I grew up not only an actor, but an international ethnic folk dancer and Pacific Northwest hiker. I have a lifelong passion for multicultural connections, cross-sector partnerships, and using arts as a vehicle for social and environmental justice. This is a legacy gifted by parents and grandparents, by amazing teachers and artists I was fortunate enough to have as mentors, by passionate and talented colleagues, and by my students. I am indebted to each and every of the hundreds of young people I've encountered along the way, whose discoveries continue to resonate and who inspire the delight and curiosity that propel me towards the next adventure.

I act out of a belief that building a strong artistic foundation is inextricably connected to building a strong individual, community, and citizenry. I find power in strong rhythm, complex characters, and juicy text; stories that allow us to feel more deeply, to reflect honestly on ourselves and community; stories that challenge our expectations and allow us to dream; stories that spark a connection and inspire action. 

I love developing programs, working closely with communities to build sustainable programs that meet their goals. I believe passionately in youth ownership and agency, supporting their access to professional resources, and providing rigor and structure in a culture of inclusiveness, fun, and faith in their ability to succeed beyond their own imaginations.

I’m a voracious reader, writer, and lover of words. I delight in classic and contemporary texts, and in cultivating new work with both students and professionals. I am an intrepid traveler, often seeking out odd or lonely places. I have a degree in Modern History and find purpose in interdisciplinary collaborations across the arts, humanities, and sciences. 

I am always hungry for work that simultaneously challenges, stimulates, and entertains. In a highly mediated world, creative approaches offer an opportunity to rediscover the world, to transform isolation and communication breakdowns into stories that give our lives clarity, confidence, and compassion.

How can I help you make the difference you want to see in the world?